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All Artisans

Amparo Flor

Lori Connell

Position: Sewing Artisan 

Mi Esperanza Course: Sewing

Children: 4

Community: Nueva Aldea Mateo

You can read more about Amparo in Real Stories

I´ve grown with Mi Esperanza. I came here and started as a student, then I was given a job. It´s been twenty years of help and friendship.
— Amparo

Amparo, Sewing artisan

Melissa Sorian

Lori Connell

Melissa at work in the jewelry studio

Position: Jewelry Artisan

Mi Esperanza Course: Jewelry


Children: 0

Community: Dora de Asfura

Mi Esperanza has given me hope. Here I received the strength to be able to guide my own life.
— Melissa

You can read more about Melissa in our Real Stories section.

Eugenia Avilez

Lori Connell

Position: Jewelry Artisan

Mi Esperanza Course: Jewelry, Sewing, English

Children: 3

Community: Santa Ana Francisco Morazon Barrio El Hatillo

Maria Eugenia Avilez, Jewelry Artisan

Eugenia Avilez, Jewelry Artisan

Everything that Mi Esperanza has provided for me and my family has been of great blessing. My life has changed for the better.
— Eugenia

You can read more about Eugenia in our Real Stories section.

Nilda Avilez

Lori Connell

Position: Jewelry Artisan

Mi Esperanza Course: Sewing, Jewelry, English


Children: 2

Community: La Cali Santa Ana Francisco Morazon

Mi Esperanza has given me the chance to empower myself. I´ve been able to benefit my family and give my kids better opportunities.
— Nilda

You can read more about Nilda in our Real Stories section.

Sulema Benitez

Lori Connell

Position: Jewelry Studio Manager, Jewelry Artisan 

Mi Esperanza Course: Jewelry & English


Children: 3

Community: Dora de Asfura

Sulema, Jewelry Studio Manager and artisan

This place has been a foundation for me, helping me grow. As I´ve seen the change in me, many other women can change too. It´s amazing to see others accomplish their dreams and goals.
— Sulema

You can read more about Sulema in our Real Stories section.

Ada Padilla

Lori Connell

Position: Sewing Artisan

Mi Esperanza Course: Sewing


Children: 1 & 2 grandchildren

Community: Colonia Smith #2, Comayagüela

Ada sewing uniforms

Mi Esperanza has been a light in my life. I pray the Lord keeps safe and healthy, everyone that helps and makes it possible for us to have this chance.
— Ada

You can read more about Sulema in our Real Stories section.

Karen Flores Servellon

Lori Connell

Karen at work in the maquila

Position: Jewelry Artisan

Mi Esperanza Course: Sewing


Children: 1

Community: La Trinidad, Tegucigalpa

I love this place where many women receive the chance to learn. Otherwise, they would not be able to be mothers and keep growing. Mi Esperanza has been a blessing for me.
— Karen

Nincy Barrientos

Lori Connell

Nincy at work in the maquila

Position: Sewing Artisan

Mi Esperanza Course: Sewing


Children: 3 & 1 granddaughter

Community: Colonia Los Pinos, Francisco Morazán

Mi Esperanza has given me the chance to work in a place where I´ve found peace and friends. I was trained here and then hired. I´m very grateful for this opportunity.
— Nincy

Lidia Zepeda

Lori Connell

Lidia at work in the maquila

Position: Sewing Artisan

Mi Esperanza Course: Sewing


Children: 4

Community: Villa Adela, Comayagüela

Mi Esperanza has been a place where I keep learning, so beneficial and great to work here.
— Lidia

Josefina Perez

Lori Connell

Josefina at work in the maquila

Position: Sewing Artisan

Mi Esperanza Course: Sewing & Computer


Children: 3

Community: La Era, Tegucigalpa

Learning about computers and sewing has been of great happiness for me. Besides the knowledge, I´ve also received the chance to work here, it´s a great opportunity.
— Josephina