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Cosmetology School

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Cosmetology School

Lori Connell

The Mi Esperanza Cosmetology School is a ten-month program that teaches entry-level skills in hair cutting, hair color, washing and styling, traditional and shellac manicures, acrylic nails, facials, and massage. Each student must secure a six-week internship in a local salon to complete her coursework. Upon completion, many students are offered jobs by their salon owners.  

In 2025, we added an advanced course, a more in-depth study of specialized hair treatments and chemical techniques. This course is offered to women who have graduated from our Cosmetology course.

2024 graduates

Our cosmetology course is taught by Paola Martinez, a 2009 Mi Esperanza graduate.  She joined the Mi Esperanza team in 2011.  Since her graduation Paola has opened 2 salons and employs Mi Esperanza graduates at both locations.  You can read Paola's full bio in our staff section.  

The cost to fund a cosmetology student is $500.00.  You can make a donation specific to this program in the donate area of this website. 

To read about women who have benefited from our program visit out "real stories" section of our website.