In His Own Words- Jeremy Phelps
Lori Connell
Jeremy working with our production team-2016
Workplace culture. There are lists published about “The Best Places to Work”. Books, articles, case studies, and academic research are all dedicated to the topic, trying to find the best alchemy of elements that make a company a great place to work and high performing. Google is known for its free buffets and nap pods amongst others and there are some places where taking your dog to work is encouraged. While Mi Esperanza doesn’t quite offer those amenities, what we do offer is amazing and so life giving to everyone who steps foot on campus.
During my recent trip I was able to once again see the things that make working with Mi Esperanza so amazing and our culture so unique. The work areas are vibrant with life, laughter, and opportunity. Where else do you get to work where avocados just fall from the tree and you can take them home for dinner? I witnessed a place where women are not seen as employees but as partners and family. Arrivals and departures are met with hugs and smiles. The women are known by their name, we know their kids names, and we know their stories. Not to be superficial but because we truly care. The problems of Reina, Sara, Romilia, and all of the other wonderful women who are apart of Mi Esperanza become our concerns and the concerns of the other ladies in the maquila.
I can’t help but think how lucky I am to be a part of such a great organization whose main goal is to improve the lives of women in need. Through our partners in hope and in house products, these women are making fair wages, in a great working environment, with people who care about them. Culture can be fabricated but there is an honestly about Mi Esperanza where the authenticity of our purpose is experienced on a daily basis. With every new garment stitched, tassel created, or necklace soldered, ripples of change are being sent out. Children go to bed with food in their stomachs, education is a possibility, and trips to the doctor are no longer ignored. The lives of future generations are changing in ways that I cannot even imagine but I take pride in knowing that I get to play a small part. I don’t get to spend every day around these amazing women but I do get to work behind the scenes, seeing their passion and pride in the product that we send to customers around the world. Jeremy