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In Her Own Words-Christa Smith


In Her Own Words-Christa Smith

Lori Connell


My family and I have been leading mission teams into Honduras for several years.  The most frequent question we receive from people interested in the work being done in Honduras seems to be centered on why we feel like we need to travel to Honduras to help others when there is so much work to be done in our own community.  The answer to this question is easy because I am immediately taken back to a mission trip from several years ago when my heart was changed forever.  Our team was distributing food in a community near Tegucigalpa.  We had determined in order for a family to receive food, a member of the family must be at the home and if no one were at home, we would not leave any food. To make a long story short, our team divided and conquered the community as we provided food for a multitude of families that day.  To say the least, the day had gone well and we were reaching the halfway point when a lady, a mother, came running after us begging for food after we bypassed her home.  A teammate and I first decided that she had already been given food and that she was trying to “take advantage” and receive extra.  I had no idea that my world would change forever in that one moment.  It only took one glance, one glimpse and I saw something I had not seen before.  It was as if time stood still; there, in the middle of a community filled with people, I saw poverty for the first time.  In fact, I stared poverty in the face that day.  Until this instant, I had not seen this type of despair, this anguish.  It was desperation, a visual plea for help.  This plea was asking for something that I take for granted.  Those mother’s passionate eyes made a powerful impact on my life that day.  It changed me.  It transformed how I see others in need, and it continues to compel me to ask myself questions about life.  What would my life look like if I pursued God and all He has in store for me with that level of motivation and determination?  What would my life look like if I would allow my prideful walls to be broken and truly walk in faith just as that mom sought me that day?  I thank God for that moment in time, the mom’s courage and my chance to be hope.  I am thankful God chose me to be a part of His work for the Kingdom that day.

Mi Esperanza’s mission was founded several years ago upon the courageous spirit of two women serving on a mission team in Honduras.  These women’s hearts were broken for the women of Honduras.  They saw a need and stepped out in love and faith to meet that need.  

Through Mi Esperanza, the women of Honduras have hope.  Not only does Mi Esperanza provide immediate support for women, but the ultimate goal also is to provide life sustaining and life altering change for the women and children.  By educating women and providing fair wage work, women can provide for their families. As a result, desperate measures will no longer need to be taken to gain food to feed their families.  Over time lives can be changed and have been changed.  Poverty is a vicious cycle, but Mi Esperanza’s vision and mission is to break the cycle and provide hope and change for generations to come.