Speak Up
Lori Connell
Speak up for those who cannot
speak for themselves;
ensure justice for those being crushed.
Yes, speak up for the poor and
helpless, and see that they get justice.
Proverbs 31: 8-9
Sulema and Julie
Sulema started working for Mi Esperanza in one of our large productions. It was an 85,000 bracelet order and we really did not know what we were doing, but we were excited for the opportunity to give 60 women employment. Pretty quickly we realized that she was a very hard worker and could be placed in a management capacity for this particular project. This was the first time most of the women had ever made any jewelry, but Sulema quickly showed that she had natural aptitude. Over the last 3 years, Sulema has repeatedly shown us her potential for management and leadership as well as a commitment to quality in her workmanship.
As a result of her continued work with Mi Esperanza, Sulema has been able to send her son to a private bilingual school which will give him significantly greater opportunity in Honduras as an adult.
Through the years we have seen that given the opportunity, the women we employ and educate will use their newly earned resources to educate their children. Simply put - education changes lives. Education helps the helpless speak up for themselves.
In early June we offered a week of training in the jewelry studio at Mi Esperanza. We asked a few of our past jewelry students to come for an advanced training to elevate their skills so they can work on some of our larger production orders that involve those advanced skills. We asked Sulema to teach the class and it was exciting to see her step into yet another new role.
This scenario also exemplifies the scripture above. With the skills learned at Mi Esperanza in our four areas of training (computer, cosmetology, sewing and jewelry), our women are able to find work and gain a level of confidence in themselves. This level of confidence and new skill set allows them to better advocate for themselves and their families. Again, we see that educated women make better decisions.
As we celebrate 15 years of serving the women of Honduras, we are reminded by these kind of stories that the goal we had in the beginning is still the goal we have how. Educate women to give them a better life. The skills based training we offer to poor women here in Honduras has long reaching ripple effects and works to break the cycle of poverty in the lives of our women and that of their families.
Thank you to so many of you who have donated to Mi Esperanza in the past. Your gifts have helped us help the women of Honduras.