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Founders & Board Members

Lynne Martin

Lori Connell


Lynne Martin was first introduced to Honduras and Mi Esperanza in 2011.  Her husband had been on several trips before and wanted to share his love for the people of Honduras with her.  She caught his passion, and they were looking into a future in Missions together when he passed away that same year.  

After his death, Lynne launched a Missions organization with her daughter Danielle and Son in Law, Andy.  They began bringing teams to the country to build houses and serve the poor in other ways.  She also worked alongside, Sister Julie to bring Jewelry to Mi Esperanza.   

Before long, She caught the full vision of Mi Esperanza and realized they were doing what she had in her heart to do and more.   Lynne is  excited by the opportunity to work more closely with Mi Esperanza to expand the reach of education to more women of Honduras.