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Sulema Benitez

All Real Stories

Meet some of our incredible women!

Sulema Benitez

Lori Connell

Mi Esperanza has been a great change in my life. I have never been paid fairly in any of my former jobs. At Mi Esperanza, they listen to my ideas, and I am respected. It makes me want to grow old working at Mi Esperanza.

Sulema at work in the Mi Esperanza Jewelry Studio

Sulema Benitez is a special person for Mi Esperanza. She is married and the mother of three boys, Andrik, 18, Axel, 12, and Kenneth, 10.  

Since Sulema started at Mi Esperanza, she has become one of our most gifted artisans.  Sulema's training quickly advanced from simple beading to intricate metalwork.  Our jewelry designer was amazed by her development.  Because of her talent and abilities, Sulema was promoted to Mi Esperanza's Jewelry Studio Supervisor a year and a half later.

Sulema at a Glance 

  • Common-law marriage

  • Children: 3

  • Community: Dora de Asfura

  • Mi Esperanza Course: Jewelry program

In 2021 one of her greatest dreams is coming true. Sulema's oldest son, Andrik, graduated from a private bilingual school with an education that was never possible for Sulema.  Her efforts and sacrifices are changing her children's futures, and she is proud.

"I have met wonderful people through Mi Esperanza," she said. "People that have supported me. I encourage Mi Esperanza's friends to keep helping women like me. Your support not only touches us but also the lives of our children and others we care for."