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Victoria Salgado

All Real Stories

Meet some of our incredible women!

Victoria Salgado

Lori Connell

Meet Victoria Salgado. Victoria is the mother of three children. Her story is one of courage and triumph. She came to Mi Esperanza when her aunt told her about the free educational classes there. Victoria enrolled in the cosmetology course and is part of the graduating class 2019. She was a fantastic student, incredibly determined, and self-disciplined.

Victoria at work

During 2020, many Honduran women have been dealing with something far more dangerous than Covid-19. Throughout this confinement, cases of domestic violence have risen more than 20%. The devastating result is women find themselves stuck in toxic and dangerous relationships because they have no way to support themselves or are not strong enough to leave. 

Victoria Salgado could have remained part of those statistics. But because of her time at Mi Esperanza, she gained the skills to support her children and the confidence to leave and build a new life. She has been able to move forward and feels strong enough to survive any obstacle in her life.


  • Children: 3

  • Community: Colonia Predios de Recreo

  • Mi Esperanza Course: Cosmetology

When asked about her experience, she said: “God sent me to Mi Esperanza. The time I spent there has helped me a lot, not only financially but also personally. This experience helped me grow as a woman and made me a stronger person. I met wonderful women: my classmates, my teacher, and many new friends, both Honduran and from the US, with whom I still keep in touch.” 

Vicky runs a small beauty salon at home. She is building a solid group of faithful clients. Vicky is an excellent example of what can happen when we give a woman the opportunity to grow. She will value and empower herself, understand she deserves better, raise her self-esteem, and work hard to achieve her dreams.