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Aurora Romero

Lori Connell

Production Manager

Production Manager

Aurora Romero graduated with a business degree from UNITEC University. Her first job was as a restaurant manager, where she discovered how much she enjoyed teamwork and serving people.

She has also been a credit manager at COFINOL and an elementary school teacher at various schools, where she discovered her passion for teaching and training others.

She is currently enrolled at the Universidad Pedagógica Francisco Morazán, pursuing a new degree in basic education. 

As a bilingual professional, she has been part of the North Carolina-based organization Live Again Ministries, serving as a translator during in-country mission trips for 16 consecutive years. 

I always prayed for a job where I could really see a change in people, helping Honduras be a better place. I found it in Mi Esperanza. I´ve witnessed how women can change their lives when given the chance. It´s a blessing to be part of it.
— Aurora Romero