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Behind The Box


Behind The Box

Lori Connell


In a big comfy chair in my kitchen with a cup of Honduran coffee in my hand (don’t all great things happen with a cup of coffee in your hand), surrounded by some of my favorite people who share a vision of a better world the idea of Hope Supply was born.  The conversation began around the concept of a “market place” where Mi Esperanza and it’s production partners would join hands and designs together in one place with the specific goal of supporting the on-going, long term programs of Mi Esperanza. We were so excited to think about how this collaboration would help strengthen Mi Esperanza’s programs that educate women and offer financial support through micro-finance loans.  We knew this idea had the potential to bring strong support that would allow Mi Esperanza to educate more women and build our team of artisans that would benefit from the exploding work at our production house in which HOPE SUPPLY would be a part. Each design would be creating life changing work for our women artisans.


The idea of a subscription box took shape, a box that would be home to the brands that lovingly produce their goods through Mi Esperanza.  We would work together to curate an amazing collection of women’s fashion accessories to be enjoyed separately or together.  We would together share the message of HOPE and the humanity behind fashion and why it matters to purchase ethically. We want to put the faces behind fashion at the forefront.  In a very competitive market, where most brands use cheap (and often slave) labor to produce their goods, we are committed to honor the humanity in the people who make our goods by paying them a living wage. 

Our partners agreed to donate their designs, their voices and platforms to promote the message of HOPE SUPPLY which is…Together we can make life changing differences in the lives of women living in poverty.  The brands represented in Hope Supply are; Arrowroot Clothing, LizAlig, Mi Esperanza and Tribe Alive, the finest in ethical fashion.  

The first conversations of HOPE SUPPLY happened just over a year ago and I am so proud and excited that our inaugural box is finally here and is available for the 2015 Holiday season…giving HOPE is a beautiful thing!  I am grateful to our committed partners for their support and YOU our constant and ever loyal “followers” for choosing HOPE.  Join the Hope Supply family and purchase a box (click on photo below to move to our shop) for yourself and all your favorite gals…you will not be disappointed! 

Peace, Lori