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Design With Women In Mind


Design With Women In Mind

Lori Connell

Our NEW Diversity Necklace

Our NEW Diversity Necklace

Spring is the season of life..renewal..growth and transformation.
Handmade and Hand-dyed Bag Tassels/Keychains

Handmade and Hand-dyed Bag Tassels/Keychains

Spring is design time at Mi Esperanza.  It is when we are in heavy production for the years new products.  So many things influence our designs and product development; color, textures, shapes and trends.  We work with focus to bring products you will love and want to use everyday.  As we design nothing influences us more than the women’s hands that will craft each item.  We seek designs that enable us to bring in more women and teach them new skills and develop them as artisans.  Our goal is to produce handmade products that are relevant and authentically and ethically made in Honduras.  

For us, our brand has always been about furthering our daily mission of educating and lifting women out of poverty.  In this we have found an ever generating source of life, renewal, growth and transformation for our women and it makes our designs meaningful, life changing and life giving…fashion has never been more beautiful.  

NEW Leather card holder

NEW Leather card holder

We are so excited for 2016 designs to launch (some already have)!  Our fabric dye artisan Dilcia has been mastering new techniques and is working on some amazing colors.  New jewelry designs abound from our studio and they are sure to become your go to favorites.  We are introducing two new all leather designs, new textile bag designs and updated and reworked old favorites.  

So as you choose to purchase with a purpose you become a WORLD CHANGER!  Your purchase holds the power to profoundly change the lives of women and further the mission of education and micro-finance.  You are empowering women to create a new future outside of the circle of extreme poverty.  

Peace, Lori