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Founders & Board Members

Jennifer Presley-President

Lori Connell

Jennifer’s first experience with Honduras and Mi Esperanza was actually not a personal experience at all.  She experienced it through her daughter, Savannah, after her first trip to Honduras in 2010. Jennifer was able to see what Mi Esperanza was all about with her own eyes during a trip to Honduras in 2012.  Seeing and hearing Lori Connell’s passion and love for the women of Honduras was life-changing for her and she has been back to Honduras a number of times.  She loves the products produced by the women empowered by Mi Esperanza and advocates for Mi Esperanza in the states. 

Jennifer is employed as the Office & Financial Manager for Homewood Church of Christ in Birmingham, Alabama. She has been an employee at Homewood for just over 11 years and a member there for 34 years. 


She is currently involved with the Missions Committee at Homewood and she and her husband, Stephen, have been the contact couple for missionaries, Matt and Andrea Miller, for over 20 years during their mission work in Togo, West Africa and now in Rwanda.  She also serves on the newly formed Racial Unity Action Team at Homewood which strives to educate the membership on the injustices against People of Color in the United States and form partnerships with traditionally African American Churches of Christ in the Birmingham area. 

She graduated from Auburn University in 1988 with a degree in accounting and was employed in public accounting and the corporate world for about 10 years. She then decided to be a stay-at-home mom for 12 years before joining the staff at Homewood in 2010.  She has been married to her husband, Stephen, for almost 33 years and is Mom to three adult children, Savannah (married to William), Stevie and Daniel.  All three have been to Honduras and to Africa and have a heart for missions. She considers herself very blessed.