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All Real Stories

Meet some of our incredible women!

Ada Luz Padilla

Lori Connell

Mi Esperanza friends, through your donations, you are investing in the lives of women and our families. You are sowing seeds of love, hope, and opportunity. Women like me are your harvest. We are the fruit of your sowings.
— Ada

Ada now operates an in home sewing business

Meet Ada Luz Padilla. Ada is a 50-year-old single mother. She has one son who has given her the greatest gift: her first granddaughter! Ada graduated from the Mi Esperanza sewing school in 2018.

Ada learned about Mi Esperanza through a friend that had completed the course a year before. She was immediately interested and never regretted her decision to enroll. 

"The classes were great. Our teacher Reina was very patient. If I had questions outside of class, she would gladly give her time and answer my questions. "The classes made me feel like a useful person," Ada said about her time during the course.

A few months after she finished the course, Ada was invited to join the team of artisans in our sewing maquila. A full-time job was now hers! If you could have seen her face when she received her first paycheck, she could not believe it!


  • Single

  • Children: One

  • Grandchildren: One

  • Community: Col. Smith

  • Mi Esperanza Course: Sewing

"Mi Esperanza brought many new experiences to my life. I had never worked with a group of women. We had such good times together. You may not believe me, but my co-workers celebrated my birthday for the very first time in my life! This gesture so moved me! " She said. 

Before the pandemic started, Ada decided to leave Mi Esperanza to care for her new grandchild. She now works at home. Each job and item Ada sews for her customers reminds her of her blessing through Mi Esperanza. She's grateful for that opportunity.

Ruth Isabel Izaguirre Sanchez

Lori Connell

Blessings to all Mi Esperanza’s supporters! Please keep helping single mothers like me. Providing us the opportunities we need to make a better future; at the same time, you are helping our children have a better future.
— Ruth

Ruth receiving her cosmetology diploma

Ruth Isabel is a single mother of four. And is a two-time graduate of Mi Esperanza. Ruth first completed the computer tech course in 2017. The following year, she completed the beauty course.

Ruth finished high school when she was 17 years old. Immediately after graduating, she had her first child. As a young mother, her priorities changed. College became a distant dream.


  • Single

  • Children: Four

  • Community: Col. Reparto por Abajo

  • Mi Esperanza Course: Cosmetology & Computer Technology

Ruth always liked everything related to beauty. She tried to complete two different cosmetology courses before coming to Mi Esperanza. The first course was in a private school, and the second was government-sponsored. Ruth could not finish either because she didn't have the resources to pay the required expenses.

Ruth said, "I put all my hopes into the free courses Mi Esperanza offered. When I learned about Mi Esperanza, the beauty course had already started, so I first decided to complete the computer course. The next year, I was finally able to complete a cosmetology course."

Ruth said, "My children are my inspiration; they gave me the motivation I needed to try again. During my two years at Mi Esperanza, my responsibilities at home were heavy, but I would not give up. I was determined to graduate. The courses were amazing. I learned computer and cosmetology skills, but I also learned about teamwork. It was so important. I'm working at the beauty salon where I did a month's internship before graduation!"

Dilcia Argenal

Lori Connell

Please keep helping women like me. Keep fighting for us. With opportunities like these, you are also helping our children have better opportunities in life. God bless you all!
— Dilcia

Dilcia graduation day

Dilcia Argeñal is 46 years old; she is single and has three children and two grandchildren.  She graduated from the cosmetology course in 2018.  

Dilcia is a long-time Mi Esperanza friend but had not been able to take the course before.  Between providing for her youngest son and her job, she had lost hope of having a chance at a better education for herself.  

Through Gina, our administrator, Dilcia received help for transportation, supplies, and missed work hours, allowing her to attend class at Mi Esperanza.  Dilcia feels blessed to have received this opportunity to advance her education.


  • Single

  • Children: Three

  • Grandchildren: Two

  • Community: Ojo de Agua la Sosa

  • Mi Esperanza Course: Cosmetology & Jewelry

Everyone who knows Dilcia will tell you she is a lovely woman.  She's always happy and willing to help and serve others with love and kindness. She is Mi Esperanza´s "Happy Dilcia"!  

Because of her kind heart, enthusiasm, and dedication to learning, she received the opportunity to participate in the Jewelry Studio train-to-work program after graduation.  She has now finished two of our courses.  Dilcia is now part of Mi Esperanza's jewelry artisan group.  And she also runs a salon business from her home.  

From Dilcia:

"My classes were so much fun; I didn't want the courses to end.  I miss my classmates," she said.  "I now have more job opportunities.  I'm able to open my small beauty salon.  I can now count on an extra income that has helped in supporting my family, especially since the pandemic started."

Jessika Sulin Vásquez

Lori Connell

I thank everyone that helps single mothers like me. It would not have been possible without the help I found at Mi Esperanza. I´m so proud of my beauty diploma. It feels as if I finished high school!
— Sulin

Graduation Day

Jessika Sulin Vásquez is 32 years old and a single mother of a 6-year-old boy.  Sulin, as she prefers to be called, graduated from our cosmetology course in 2018.

Sulin was 18 when she enrolled in a cosmetology school for the first time.  Even though she finished that course,  there were many gaps in her training, and she did not have the necessary skills to work in a salon.  Sulin had her son a few years later, and her life as a single mother made life even harder.  Sulin was passionate about cosmetology and wanted to complete her training and have all the skills needed to find a job.

Then something extraordinary happened.  A couple of neighbors, former students, told her about Mi Esperanza.  Sulin enrolled in the course and successfully finished it.  Sulin was an excellent student.  After completing a month´s internship at a prestigious beauty salon, The owner offered her a permanent job.  At her new job, she learned and perfected many of the skills learned in Mi Esperanza.


  • Single

  • Children: one

  • Community: Guillen

  • Mi Esperanza Course: Cosmetology

In March 2020, Covid19 happened, and sadly, she was let go from her job like so many people.  Jessika started working from home.  She is grateful to support her child even during such hard times.  God has provided everything her small family needs, one client at a time.

She said about her experience with Mi Esperanza, “Mi Esperanza changed my life, and it changed me.  I felt motivated and learned so much.  I received an opportunity to grow.  A dream come true!

Stacie Rodriguez

Lori Connell

I´m a testimony to the work of Mi Esperanza. To all Mi Esperanza friends, may God bless you for all you do for us. Please keep believing in us. I´m so grateful; I know you will not give up on us.
— Stacie

Stacie (right) with instructor Karla

Stacie Vanessa Rodriguez is a young, single woman. She had a tough childhood; she became an orphan at a young age and raised herself. With determination, Stacie finished basic public education. She always dreamed of learning more, but pursuing college was beyond her ability. Her lack of computer skills prevented her from qualifying for job opportunities. Stacie became frustrated and discouraged.


  • Single

  • Children: None

  • Community: Valle of Angels

  • Mi Esperanza Course: Computer

She went to her pastor, Karla Perez, and told her about her dream of taking computer classes. At that time, Karla was the instructor of the computer technology class at Mi Esperanza. That is when hope smiled for Stacie. Stacie enrolled in the computer class and graduated in 2019. Stacie now works for a hotel in Valle de Angels.

When asked what it was like to participate in Mi Esperanza's program, she said, "The Lord provided all my training. Through Mi Esperanza, many women in need, like me, are being helped. Mi Esperanza is a safe place for us. It's a place where women can fulfill their dreams.

Kassie Smart

Lori Connell

Working at my own pace has allowed me to work and take care of my children and my mom.
— Kassie

Kassie Mariel Smart lives in the neighborhood of the Mi Esperanza center.  One day she was looking for a beauty salon to get her haircut, and she found Pao-Pao Beauty Salon.  Paola, the owner, is our cosmetology instructor, and told her all about Mi Esperanza's courses.  

Kassie with Sharon Surette and Tanya Matthewson from Sisters Unidas completing a continuing education course.

Kassie is a two-time graduate at Mi Esperanza.  In 2017, she enrolled in the cosmetology course, and the following year she enrolled in the sewing course.  Mi Esperanza also blessed her mother.  While Kassie was in cosmetology school, her mom took the sewing course.


  • Single

  • Children: 3

  • Community: La Campaña

  • Mi Esperanza course: Cosmetology & Sewing

After graduating, Kassie lost no time putting her education to work to provide for her family.  She started making dresses for others.  Kassie also began her cosmetology business.  She started providing clients with at-home services. 

Kassie is grateful for all her benefits since completing the courses.  "I love my independence," she said.  "Working at my own pace has allowed me to work and care for my children and my mom.  Since the pandemic started, my children have been homeschooled.  I've been able to help them with their classes as well."  Kassie went on to say, "It has been a hard year.  Thank God I have been able to put food on the table.  To all Mi Esperanza supporters, please keep helping; what you do is change lives.  Women like me, that thought they didn't deserve an opportunity to make a difference, have made their dreams come true because of you."

Ilia Guzmán

Lori Connell

Thank you for making this possible. You are investing in us, helping us progress. You help us take the first step. From here, growing is the only option.
— Ilia


  • Married

  • Children: 5

  • Grandchildren: 1

  • Community: Colonia Canaan

at graduation with her daughter Daniela

Ilia Guzmán is a 2019 Mi Esperanza sewing course graduate. She is married with five children and one granddaughter. Her daughter, Daniela, is a long-time Mi Esperanza friend and one of our jewelry artisans. She encouraged her mom to enroll in the course. 

When asked about her experience as a student, Ilia said, “It was an amazing opportunity. I learned a lot of new things. I can now help my husband in his tailors’ shop, where I finish all the details on the pants he makes. Doing this helps our business, and I am contributing to the family's income. I can now improve my home!  I make curtains, bedsheets, masks, and many other things for my family and me. The more I practice, the better I become. My granddaughter goes to school wearing uniforms made with my own hands!”

Daniela said about her mom, “I love that my mom took the time to take the course. Because of her time at Mi Esperanza, she has developed more self-esteem. Her new skills and abilities have given her more confidence. I am immensely proud of her.”

Ilia is a beautiful example of a senior woman realizing a dream of education and employment. Welcoming women like Ilia is a gift for women who have always dreamt of being educated and able to work. They are beyond grateful to help their families move ahead and have a better life.

Lindis Cuella

Lori Connell

Our country is in great need. Many people, especially women, feel there is no way to move forward to a better life. Opportunities like the ones we receive through Mi Esperanza are a blessing, helping us improve and move forward. THANK YOU!
— Lindis

Lindis during a continuing education course at Mi Esperanza

Lindis Cuellar is an amazing woman, an example of strength and resilience. She is 52 years old and a mother of 6.  A few years ago, she moved from Nicaragua. Her family lost everything in a fire. Their situation was challenging, but she was determined not to give up. 

Lindis had received some beauty training in the past but not enough to pass certification. She first heard about Mi Esperanza through a former student.  Finally, she had the opportunity to complete her cosmetology training and obtain certification.  


  • Married

  • Children: 6

  • Community: Colonia Vileza Morales

  • Mi Esperanza Course: Cosmetology

As soon as she started classes, everyone knew who Lindis was—always helping her classmates.  Lindis was hardworking and an excellent student who put every effort into her opportunities.  Lindis opened a salon in her home after graduation.  She is happy to be working and building a clientele.   

When asked how Mi Esperanza changed her, she said, “Mi Esperanza helped me start over. I always felt supported at Mi Esperanza. They believed in me!  We all learned at different paces; our teacher Paola was patient and helped us with every new challenge.  I met many beautiful people: my classmates, my teacher, Mi Esperanza´s staff, and all the US friends I made throughout the year. The program helped us grow and gave us the tools to support ourselves and loved ones.”

Darlin Zúniga

Lori Connell

It was a blessing to receive this opportunity. I would not have been able to afford any other course. I live in Talanga, 64 km from Tegucigalpa. Moving around for me is time-consuming and very expensive. I now feel part of this new era; I’m no longer scared of technology.
— Darlin

Pastor Darlin Zúniga graduated from Mi Esperanza's computer course in 2019. Darlin is married, and the mother of two young adults and a three-year-old.   She was invited to Mi Esperanza by the interim computer teacher, Karla, who she knew through a church community.  Darlin was extremely excited about the opportunity.  


  • Married

  • Children: 3

  • Community: Talanga

  • Mi Esperanza Course: Computer

Darlin at home

Darlin is a powerful example of someone who has never stopped seeking knowledge and improving herself.  Coming to Mi Esperanza, her goal was to be a better Pastor.  Helping others and teaching them about the Lord is her passion. 

She knew learning to use a computer offered the opportunity to serve her congregation more effectively. Even though learning to use a computer at her age was very intimidating.  She was up to the challenge! 

Her teacher, Karla, is exceptionally proud of her. "Darlin was an amazing student," Karla said, "Her progress was outstanding; she started without even knowing how to turn on a computer and finished the course understanding and putting everything she learned in class into practice."

Since graduating, Darlin has been using PowerPoint presentations in her sermons.  Her services have become more dynamic and better organized. She can also distribute information to her church members using the Word program.  Darlin believes that the skills received through her training as Mi Esperanza helped her reach her goal!  To become a better pastor and to communicate more effectively.  She believes that blessings come to everyone when she gives and teaches with gratitude.  

And Darlin is very grateful.  

Rosa Maria Guzman

Lori Connell

“Thank God for Mi Esperanza! It has been so precious to me.”
— Rosita

Meet Rosa Maria Guzman, aka Rosita. Rosita graduated from Mi Esperanza's Sewing course in 2019. She is 56 years old, married, a mother of 4, and a grandmother of 5.

Rosita during sewing class

Rosita learned about Mi Esperanza through Mi Esperanza's production manager, Aurora Romero. Rosita and Aurora attend church together. Rosita was very curious about the work of Mi Esperanza. As soon as she found out she qualified for the Sewing course, Rosita asked for permission at work to attend classes, and she enrolled in the sewing course.


  • Married

  • Children: 4

  • Grandchildren: 5

  • Community: Barrio Buenos Aires

  • Mi Esperanza course: Sewing

"Mi Esperanza has been a great learning experience for me. Because of my love for arts and crafts, my new sewing skills helped my creativity grow. Our teacher, Reina, was terrific. Besides teaching us how to make essential pieces, she taught us how to make fashion patterns. Now I can create any type of pattern from scratch and sew my clothes and clothes for others!" Rosita shared.

She said, "After I found out and experienced Mi Esperanza, I encourage other women to make time for themselves. We need to grow and be well-prepared for the future. Many women are now empowered and have the skills to support their families. I wish there were more projects like Mi Esperanza.

Throughout 2020 she made her family masks and turbans to protect them from Covid-19, which saved her family a great deal of money. In addition, her sewing skills allowed her to begin working at home by sewing clothing and masks for others. This work generated an income when she could no longer go to work. This work was and continues to be a huge blessing to her family.

Aracely Canales

Lori Connell

Mi Esperaza believed in me and gave me hope. I now believe in myself and my ability to build a better future.
— Aracely

Aracely in front of her at home Salon.

Meet Aracely. She is married and the mother of two children. Aracely is part of the cosmetology graduating class of 2019. She was the recipient of the Overall Outstanding Achievement Award. Paola, the cosmetology instructor, could always count on Aracely. Whenever she needed a volunteer, Aracely always made herself available. Her attitude was always positive, kind, curious, bubbly, and, above all, grateful.

Aracely entered the Mi Esperanza training school at the age of 44. She heard about Mi Esperanza and lost no time enrolling and becoming a part of the program. Far too often, her age is considered too old to learn something new or find a job. She was not going to let this chance pass by and would make the most of this opportunity.


  • Children: 2

  • Community: Agua Blanca

  • Course: Cosmetology

"I loved my classes. I wish the course were longer! Sharing with my teacher and classmates made me happy. I felt rejuvenated. As we started learning, I felt more confident in my abilities. By the second month of class, I decided to open a beauty salon of my own. I began dreaming, then planning and saving to reach that goal. It's a small space in my house, but it's my dream come true." Aracely shared.

Victoria Salgado

Lori Connell

Meet Victoria Salgado. Victoria is the mother of three children. Victoria’s story is one of courage and triumph. Victoria came to Mi Esperanza when her aunt told her about the free educational classes offered at Mi Esperanza. Victoria enrolled in the cosmetology course and is part of the graduating class of 2019. Victoria was a fantastic student, incredibly determined, and self-disciplined.

Victoria at work

During 2020, many Honduran women have been dealing with something far more dangerous than Covid-19. Throughout this confinement, cases of domestic violence have risen more than 20%. The devastating result is women find themselves stuck in toxic and dangerous relationships because they have no way to support themselves or are not strong enough to leave. 

Victoria Salgado could have stayed part of those statistics. But, because of her time at Mi Esperanza, she had the skills to support her children and the confidence to leave and build a new life. She has been able to move forward and feel strong enough to survive any obstacle in her life.


  • Children: 3

  • Community: Colonia Predios de Recreo

  • Mi Esperanza Course: Cosmetology

When asked about her experience, she said: “God sent me to Mi Esperanza. The time I spent there has helped me a lot, not only financially but also personally. This experience helped me in growing as a woman and made me a stronger person. I met wonderful women: my classmates, my teacher, and many new friends, both Honduran and from the US, with whom I still keep in touch.” 

 Vicky, as is called by friends and family, runs a small beauty salon at home. She is building a solid group of faithful clients. Vicky is an excellent example of what can happen when we give a woman the opportunity to grow. She will value and empower herself, understand she deserves better, raise her self-esteem, and work hard to achieve her dreams.

Eugenia Aviles

Lori Connell

I thank God for your lives and for your willingness to help women like me who have no opportunities. You open doors for our children and us. You are changing the future! Please continue helping Honduran women and their families. Thank you!
— Eugenia

Eugenia working the Mi Esperanza jewelry studio

Eugenia Aviles was in her last year of high school when she got pregnant with her first child. Determined, she completed her senior year and graduated. She had always dreamed of going to college, but she had now become a mother, and her desire to learn never faded.

Eugenia lives in Santa Ana, outside Tegucigalpa. In 2014, she saw a sign announcing Mi Esperanza would open a Sewing Course. She enrolled, completed the course, and the instructor hired her for a school uniform project. Mi Esperanza offered a train-to-work opportunity to produce 85,000 bracelets a year later. Eugenia did such good work and showed excellent skills that Mi Esperanza offered her the opportunity for continued training and a job in the Mi Esperanza jewelry studio in Tegucigalpa.  


  • Children: 3

  • Community: Santa Ana

  • Mi Esperanza Course: Sewing & Jewelry programs

"Not everybody has the opportunities Mi Esperanza has given me. I was educated and then given a job. Without Mi Esperanza, I don't know where or if I would be working now. I know my three girls would not have the opportunities I'm now capable of providing for them," said Eugenia.

Eugenia is an excellent example of how educating women can change future generations. Eugenia is a positive and strong influence in the lives of her three daughters. She teaches them and wants them to know they can be and do anything. And she is there to be the example she wished she had had.  

Nilda Aviles

Lori Connell

Mi Esperanza changed my life. My economic situation is better. All my effort is for my children. I want my kids to have a good education, and my job makes this possible. My dream for them is to see them graduate from college. I will fulfill my dreams through them.
— Nilda

Nilda working the Mi Esperanza jewelry studio

Nilda Aviles is 38 years old and the mother of two teenagers.

After she graduated from high school, she planned to try to go to college. She liked school and wanted to continue learning, but she quit her dream when she got pregnant. As in many cases worldwide, early and unintended pregnancy jeopardizes women's educational goals.

Nilda decided to stay home and take care of her baby boy. Nilda married and had her second child. Still determined to learn, she started looking for any chance to learn something new, but opportunities were scarce, having to be close to home to care for her children and home.


  • Married

  • Children: 2

  • Community: Santa Ana

  • Mi Esperanza Course: Sewing & Jewelry programs

Years later, an opportunity came! Nilda's sister came to visit with promising and exciting news. Mi Esperanza was offering a new sewing course in their town, with the chance of a future job.

The Lord answered her prayers again! In her town, Mi Esperanza opened a train-to-work opportunity for the production of 85,000 bracelets. Nilda had the chance to learn and get paid for it! She did such an excellent job that she was offered a permanent position in the Mi Esperanza Jewelry studio in Tegucigalpa. Today Nilda is one of Mi Esperanza's most skilled artisans, and her job at Mi Esperanza has given her the ability to educate her children.

Nilda wants to tell the donors who make Mi Esperanza possible, "My children's life is better because of you. You invest in us, providing opportunities that will echo for many generations. Thank you!"

Belki Pineda

Lori Connell

Thank you, each of you, for helping and supporting Honduran women in making their dreams a reality and bringing hope to their homes; for lending them a helping hand to get out of the hopeless place, many find themselves stuck in.
— Belkis

Belkis on graduation day in clothes she made.

Meet Belki Pineda, a single mom with two children and a very talented young woman.

Belkis was part of the 2019 sewing course. She learned of Mi Esperanza through one of her neighbors, a former student. Her sewing skills were evident from the beginning. Her teacher, Reina, praises her ability and eagerness to learn. After graduation, in 2020, before the Covid-19 shutdown, Belkis accepted a job in the Mi Esperanza sewing maquila.


  • Single

  • Children: 2

  • Community: Los Pinos

  • Mi Esperanza Course: Sewing program

"I came to Mi Esperanza with the dream of learning. I never knew I had the ability. With much practice, my skills are getting better", she said. "During this pandemic time, I have been able to provide for my kids by selling masks, caps, and custom-made clothing." Mi Esperanza has brought stability to Belkis' life.

Reina Andrews

Lori Connell

Mi Esperanza has been a 180° change in my life. I was so depressed when I came here. The classes cheered me up. I started feeling important and useful
— Reina

Reina Andrews is a beautiful example of Mi Esperanza's mission. She is 65 years old, single, a mother of 5, and grandmother of 13!  She graduated from the sewing course in 2018. 

Reina with her daughter and three granddaughter

One of her daughters had graduated from the computer course a year before. She encouraged her mom to enroll. Reina was going through a period of severe depression and grief. Her beloved brother had passed, and she had difficulty recovering from that pain. Reina decided to enroll in the sewing course, and with that decision, her life changed.  When asked how Mi Esperanza has changed her life, she said, "It has been a 180° change. I was so depressed when I came here. The classes cheered me up. I started feeling important and useful."


  • Single

  • Children: 5

  • Grandchildren: 13

  • Community: Los Pinos

  • Mi Esperanza Course: Sewing program

Reina shared, "When our teacher called me to offer me a job in Mi Esperanza's sewing shop, I couldn't believe it! At my age, finding a job is difficult. I will be forever grateful to everyone who made this miracle happen. I have a job where I am valued and treated with dignity and respect."

Melissa Soriano

Lori Connell

My job has given me the means necessary to make our home a safe place for me and my parents. Two of our biggest projects were changing the roof and installing running water. I´m so proud of having made these improvements possible!
— Melissa

Melissa at work in the Mi Esperanza Jewelry Studio

Melissa is a 39-year-old single woman who came to Mi Esperanza six years ago. She lives close to Santa Ana, a small community south of Tegucigalpa. She heard about Mi Esperanza through an American Mission group that came to her place to help. They told the ladies in the community that a Non-Profit organization would be teaching a Jewelry course to teach and later employ women to fulfill a large order. She was excited about the news. When the course opened a few months later, she enrolled. This was the opportunity Melissa was waiting for and dreamed about.

Everything was new to her, the jeweler tools and materials. Being around many women was a challenge too. She´s shy and keeps to herself most of the time. Mi Esperanza has allowed her to interact with others and now has made great friends. Her confidence has grown. She´s still quiet, but she now knows she has an untapped power to help her Mi Esperanza team succeed.

Melissa at a Glance 

  • Single

  • Children: 0

  • Community: Dora de Asfura

  • Mi Esperanza Course: Jewelry program

“Mi Esperanza has given me so much. I received training for free and was later offered a job. It would have been hard for me to find another opportunity like this”, said Melissa. “The experience has been great. I´ve learned new skills and discovered new talents in me. I belong in Mi Esperanza; these are my people, my team.”

Having a job has taken away the feeling she had of being a burden to her family. In her environment, a single woman with no children is considered incomplete. Melissa once felt that way, but no longer. Melissa has witnessed many women prosper and become independent through education and a career. She has learned to be proud of herself. She does not feel overlooked anymore.

She would like to ask all Mi Esperanza friends to keep on helping, “You are empowering Honduran women. With your help and support, our lives are so much better. Thank you!”

Daniela Martinez

Lori Connell

I can help my mom, my younger brother, but most of all, I now can make sure my little girl, Ashley, will have a good education.
— Daniella

Daniella at work in the Mi Esperanza Jewelry Studio

Daniela joined our jewelry artisan team in 2018. She immediately showed how skilled and hardworking she was and became a valuable part of the team. Daniela always has a smile and encouraging words for her co-workers. Daniela loves her job at Mi Esperanza. 

Daniela aspires to continue her formal education and recently completed an Entrepreneur Investment course and is enrolled in Mi Esperanza’s ESL course. Her dream is to enroll in university and receive a marketing degree. Working at Mi Esperanza has made that dream come closer to reality. 

Daniela at a Glance 

  • Married

  • Children: 1

  • Community: Altos de la Olla

  • Mi Esperanza Course: Jewelry program

Daniela shares, “Since I have this job, I am more independent, more social, and creative. It amazes me to see that I now can take a piece of raw brass and transform it into something beautiful,” said Daniela. “I can help my mom, and my younger brother, but most of all, I now can make sure my little girl, Ashley, will have a good education.”

Sulema Benitez

Lori Connell

Mi Esperanza has been a great change in my life. I have never been paid fairly in any of my former jobs. At Mi Esperanza, they listen to my ideas, and I am respected. It makes me want to grow old working at Mi Esperanza.

Sulema at work in the Mi Esperanza Jewelry Studio

Sulema Benitez is a special person for Mi Esperanza. She is married and the mother of three boys, Andrik, 18, Axel, 12, and Kenneth, 10.  

Since Sulema started at Mi Esperanza, she has become one of our most gifted artisans.  Sulema's training quickly advanced from simple beading to intricate metalwork.  Our jewelry designer was amazed by her development.  Because of her talent and abilities, Sulema was promoted to Mi Esperanza's Jewelry Studio Supervisor a year and a half later.

Sulema at a Glance 

  • Common-law marriage

  • Children: 3

  • Community: Dora de Asfura

  • Mi Esperanza Course: Jewelry program

In 2021 one of her greatest dreams is coming true. Sulema's oldest son, Andrik, graduated from a private bilingual school with an education that was never possible for Sulema.  Her efforts and sacrifices are changing her children's futures, and she is proud.

"I have met wonderful people through Mi Esperanza," she said. "People that have supported me. I encourage Mi Esperanza's friends to keep helping women like me. Your support not only touches us but also the lives of our children and others we care for."

Aracely Velazquez

Lori Connell

My girls will have all the opportunities I never had. Their futures are changed! I will fulfill many of my dreams through them. I thank Mi Esperanza and everyone that helps us. You are changing lives.
— Aracely

Aracely hand-printing for Arrowroot Everyday Dresses

Aracely is married and the mother of two girls. Aracely heard about Mi Esperanza from an announcement at her daughter's school. The timing was perfect to begin her education. While her daughter was at school, Aracely came to class and graduated from the computer course in 2013.  

Every day, after computer classes, she stayed and waited for her daughter to finish school. She volunteered her time and helped our sewing instructor with small tasks around the center. Through her volunteering, Aracely proved herself a valuable asset to Mi Esperanza. Soon after, Aracely was given a part-time job helping to pack t-shirts, organize, clean, and do other minor duties. A year and a half later, she accepted a full-time job. 

Aracely at a glance

  • Married

  • Children: 2

  • Community: PInares de Oriente

  • Mi Esperanza: Course: Computer

In 2018 Aracely was promoted to office manager. She's now in charge of enrolling students, attendance, teacher support, and other office duties. She also helps in the on-site store. Aracely is a valued member of the Mi Esperanza staff.

She always wanted to give her daughters the best education possible. Having a job at Mi Esperanza helped her achieve this goal. In 2020 Ximena gave her one of the greatest satisfactions a mother can receive. Her daughter graduated with honors from a very prestigious school. And she has already started university! About this event, Aracely said, "My girls will have all the opportunities I never had. Their futures are changed! I will fulfill many of my dreams through them. I thank Mi Esperanza and everyone that helps us. You are changing lives."