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Daniela Martinez

Lori Connell

Assistant Teacher at the Mi Esperanza on-site child learning center

This is my family; this is a place of love. I’ve been able to grow with the help of other women who have inspired me to grow and be all I can be.
— Quote Source

Child Learning Center assistant teacher

Daniela is married and a mother to Ashely. In 2018 Daniela joined our jewelry artisan team. She immediately showed how skilled and hardworking she was and became a valuable part of the team. In January 2023, Daniela changed positions and became the co-teacher in our new child learning center. She and Katia are a fabulous team. Daniela always has a smile and encouraging words for her co-workers. Daniela aspires to continue her formal education, and her dream is to enroll in university and earn a marketing degree. Working at Mi Esperanza has made that dream come closer to reality (and all of us at Mi Esperanza are cheering her on to her goal.)