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Ximena Lagos

Lori Connell

Computer Instructor

Ximena Jackeline Lopex Lagos grew up with Mi Esperanza as a part of her life. Her mother, Aracely, graduated from our computer course in 2013 and joined our staff in 2014 as the office manager. Ximena spent her afternoons at the center after school as a young girl.

In January 2025, Ximena accepted the position of Computer Technology Instructor as a part-time job as she continued her formal education. She loves helping women achieve their goals of learning and bettering themselves. Ximena is happy for the opportunity to give back to an organization that has had a significant impact on her family.

You can read more of Ximena and Aracely's story in the staff section of the website.

The job and opportunities that Mi Esperanza has given me have given me faith in myself. I now know I have the strength to make a future for myself.
— Ximena Lagos