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Sulema Benitez

Lori Connell

Jewelry Studio Supervisor

Jewelry Studio Supervisor

Sulema joined the Mi Esperanza artisan team in 2015 when she was hired as part of a large train-to-work team for a jewelry order Mi Esperanza was hired to produce. Sulema's natural abilities and trainability elevated Sulema very quickly. After the production was completed, Sulema was added to the Mi Esperanza jewelry artisan group. Because of her talent and abilities, in 2017, Sulema was promoted to Mi Esperanza's Jewelry Studio Supervisor.

Sulema continues to advance her skills and mentor other jewelry artisans. Sulema is kind, joyful, and a treasured part of the Mi Esperanza staff.

This place has been a foundation for me, helping me grow. As I´ve seen the change in me, many other women can change too. It´s amazing to see others accomplish their dreams and goals.
— Sulema Benitez