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Aracely Valasquez

Lori Connell

Office Manager

Office Manager

Aracely is our center support employee.  She was a graduate of our computer class in 2013 and came to work at Mi Esperanza in 2014.

Because her daughter's school was so far from home, she did not have the resources or time to travel back and forth by bus each day. She began volunteering her time to help us organize our sewing maquila while she waited for her daughter to finish school.   She soon proved herself a huge asset to our team, and we brought her on as a paid employee. Aracely serves in many capacities; office support staff and sewing maquila support staff. She helps in the on-site store and is our textile hand-printing artisan.  She is always ready to learn something new and expand her talents.

 Aracely is married and has two daughters, Xermaina and Ashley Sophia.  Her top priority is her daughter’s education.  With her job at Mi Esperanza, her daughter Xermaina is currently studying graphic design at university. Sophia is enrolled in a private/bilingual school for which she is so proud.  Aracely often speaks of her gratitude to Mi Esperanza for giving her the opportunity to work and provide a better education for her daughter, knowing it will make a difference in Xermaina's and Ashley’s future.  

I´m forever grateful to Mi Esperanza. My job here has made it possible for me to offer my girls private education, one of my greatest dreams. My eldest is close to finishing college, and my youngest is in a bilingual school.
— Aracely Valasquez