Reflections on 15 years of hope
Lori Connell
1999 Lori and Rachel
Over the years people have asked me “Why Honduras”, and honestly, it was the opportunity that presented itself to me. So much of my life has led to this type of work and I think that, no matter where I had gone, the seed had been planted and was ready to sprout. Had I gone to Mexico city or Ethiopia or Thailand or Ukraine, I believe my heart would have been shattered just the same. I guess what I am trying to say is this…Mi Esperanza is a thing God is doing. My heart was prepared and I simply have the blessing and privilege to work alongside and be a part of His work.
15 years ago I couldn’t have imagined where God would lead Mi Esperanza. He has surprised me beyond what I even knew to dream. So, as I sit here, I like to believe God has more surprises up His sleeve. I am so excited and optimistically hope that there are things ahead that are not even on my radar. That is not to say I don’t dream or have a vision for Mi Esperanza’s future..… because I really do!
Lori Connell, Co-founder and COO
Along with Mi Esperanza, God has also grown me, in confidence and bravery. He took a naive, high school educated wife and mother and said “you can if you will say yes”. He can be rather pushy :) for which I am grateful..well, somewhat anyway. This I know to be true….. that God knows no fear or restrictions and can dream so much better than I can. Notice I did not use the word bigger, but the word better. My dream has never been about big, but instead it has always been that whatever we do, we do with passion and excellence. That we love really big and serve the women of Honduras well and completely. That we listen to their needs and dreams and walk authentically with them in pursuit of those dreams.
As I look to the future and think about what we will look like on our 30 year anniversary (did I just say that….what?!) I see growth and “better”… I see of a big beautiful campus that our women deserve. A campus with more skills training offerings so we meet the needs and dreams of even more women. I dream that our campus will educate 1000 women a year instead of 100. I see a production house that employees 400 women not 40. I dream of an on-site daycare, health clinic, and counselor.
Mi Esperanza has always grown very organically, through God’s timing, and that growth has been rich and strong and I have no desire for that to change. I have no desire to interrupt God and push ahead of His leading. God knows my dreams for Mi Esperanza and I am content with Him leading the way.
I am super excited for the next 15 years and you should be too! Together we are changing the world and offering hope. And we know HOPE changes everything.