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In Her Own Words-Janet Hines

Lori Connell

During 2016 we will be featuring a segment call "In Her/His Own Words" from our founders and board members.  These entries will share the personal thoughts of each writer and give you a glimpse into the hearts of the people who are behind Mi Esperanza.  Today we begin with one of our co-founders, Janet Hines.

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Our Whole Heart Is All In

Lori Connell

Helping mothers care for their children keeps families together and gives them the tools and resources to raise a future generation who is able to change the cycle of generational poverty within their families.

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Lori Connell

As we look ahead into 2016 we are confident that good, amazing and BIG things lay ahead and we are excited for you to walk this journey with us.  

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Behind The Box

Lori Connell

When we put aside competition and look to collaboration that which is created is something truly amazing…this is HOPE SUPPLY

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Creating Jewelry... creating change

Lori Connell

I love beauty: like pretty curtains, and bold bright dishes that match bold bright walls; beautiful paintings of flowers or people.   I love pretty boxes that sit on a table next to a pretty lamp and vase. I love the beauty in the blue sky as it meets the ocean’s deep blue and I the smoky haze in the mountains at dusk. When I see these things, my soul is fed and I am reminded of the beauty of God.

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New Hope

Lori Connell

It is an exciting time at Mi Esperanza. Doors are opening and new ways of elevating women out of poverty are becoming reality. 

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